Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A new action song

We were really lucky to have a new teacher, Lisa, teach us an action song today.  It was called Peters Hammer.  Here we are learning the song and then doing the actions.
The song goes.....
Peter hammers with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer, 
Peter hammers  with one hammer all day long.
(We used our hand to 'hammer' to the beat)  The song repeats with two hammers (both hands), three hammers (hands and one foot stamping), four hammers (both hands and both feet jumping) and finally five hammers (both hands, both feet and head bobbing).

We loved learning the song, it was lots of fun keeping in time with the beat and we loved jumping and bobbing around at the end.  Thanks Lisa!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Junior Swimming Display

We have been practising our display for weeks.  Today we got to show our parents lots of different things. We got into the pool safely, showed them our kicking, how we breathe out our noses, our floating and gliding and then we got out of the pool safely. 
Here we are waiting to go into the pool.

                                             We are showing our parents our fairy kicking.

                               We are moving across the pool showing off our differnet skills.

We really loved seeing our Parents, Aunties and Grandparents at the display.  Thank you for watching us.

We also want to say a big thank you to Michelle, for all her hard work getting our display ready, you're the best Michelle!

Friday, February 22, 2013


 As part of our 'All about me' topic, we made robots.  

We thought about what we would be like as a robot.  Would we be a small robot?  Would we be a super-power robot?  Would we be able to walk?  Or would we fly?  We had lots of questions.

Some of us put buttons and switches on our robots.  Some of us had robot arms, some of our robots even had super powers!  We think they're pretty cool!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wonderful Writers

We are amazing writers in Room 1.  Here are some of our awesome stories.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Summer Art

We drew Summer pictures with vivid.  Then we coloured them in with the wax crayons.  The last part was dying them.  They look awesome.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dress Ups

We played with the dress ups today.  Some of us were, robbers, pumpkins, supermen, ninja's, witches, wizards, pirates, winter, and a pirate with no pirate clothes on.  We had heaps of fun

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Great Maths

Today we learnt all about number two.  We showed two in lots of different ways.  We found two items from around the classroom.  We found all the parts of our bodies that have two - like two arms two legs and two eyes.  Then, we used pictures and numbers to show two in our books. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Morning Run

 We go for a run every day.  It helps us to get exercise and be be strong, fit and warm.  When we run we get energy and it makes us feel better. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Collecting Rubbish

Here are two amazing Room 1 children, Beau and Nikora.  They are showing pride in our school by picking up rubbish.  We like making sure the playground looks tidy.  Because we really like our school. 
Thanks Beau and Nikora!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pool Fun

We are loving our afternoon swim!


We are going swimming every day.  Here we are kicking with our feet in the water.  We are doing fairy kicks and giant kicks.  Which type of kicks do you think we are doing in the photo?