Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A new action song

We were really lucky to have a new teacher, Lisa, teach us an action song today.  It was called Peters Hammer.  Here we are learning the song and then doing the actions.
The song goes.....
Peter hammers with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer, 
Peter hammers  with one hammer all day long.
(We used our hand to 'hammer' to the beat)  The song repeats with two hammers (both hands), three hammers (hands and one foot stamping), four hammers (both hands and both feet jumping) and finally five hammers (both hands, both feet and head bobbing).

We loved learning the song, it was lots of fun keeping in time with the beat and we loved jumping and bobbing around at the end.  Thanks Lisa!

1 comment:

  1. What clever children you are. Singing,dancing and doing actions all at the same time. Go Room 1 !
